What is SILENT?

SILENT was created to be a safe haven for all car enthusiasts to enjoy what the automotive world has to offer. Because of street takeovers causing hatred and prejudice towards the culture as a whole, I wanted to create a brand, more like a community of car enthusiasts. Ones who live and breathe automotive culture but don’t want to be individualized as being related to takeover scenes. SILENT’s mission as a whole is to unite the true automotive enthusiasts of the world. From motorcycles to the highest tier of automobiles ever created. SILENT will help guide the way for everybody to enjoy not only one of the most enticing cultures on this earth, but to also enjoy it with friends and family. As a community, we live for good vibes and fast rides.

  • Be a Part of the High Table

    Think you have what it takes to join the High Table? Tag us @sty.silent over on Instagram to see if you get an invite in your next order.

  • SILENT Community

    SILENT is not just a brand, it is a community. A community involving people who live life to the fullest by driving to their heart’s content while making moves behind the scenes. SILENT members DO NOT tolerate takeovers but do tolerate spirited driving with passion whether it’s at a local track event or curvy mountain backroads.

  • In-Person Events

    Follow us on instagram @sty.silent to find out when and where we'll be doing in-person events! Come get your goods in-person and see insane builds from our High Table members.